
Herschel was referred by Dr. Leisa Jennings of Bridgemill Animal Hospital.
Herschel is a 10 year old Poodle-Mix that presented to our Woodstock location for a 24 hour history of progressive back pain and the inability to walk in the rear limbs. On examination, Herschel was non-ambulatory with severe paraparesis (weakness of his rear limbs) and thoracolumbar back pain. MRI showed a right lateralized herniated disc at T12-T13 causing severe spinal cord compression. Surgery was recommended to provide Herschel with the best chance at a successful recovery.
Presenting Complaint:
Unable to walk, painful
Severe weakness (paraparesis) of the pelvic limbs
T3-L3 spinal cord segments as evident from normal cranial nerve exam / normal thoracic limb function, and pelvic limb paraparesis with normal reflex function
In-house high-field MRI shows herniated disc material compressing the spinal cord at the T12-T13 disc space on the right side with no evidence of internal spinal cord damage. Based on these findings, we predicted that Herschel’s prognosis for recovery with surgery was excellent.
A hemilaminectomy was performed at T12-T13 on the right side to allow for removal of extruded disc material and subsequent decompression of the spinal cord. Herschel showed rapid improvement and was weakly ambulatory two days post-operatively. At his 2 week recheck, he was pain-free and ambulatory without assistance.
Major Take Home Point:
Neurological grade and MRI findings are the best indicators of success with surgery for intervertebral disc disease.
For more information or to discuss this case please contact Dr. Neary.