Bush Veterinary Neurology Service (BVNS)

Medical Neurology
BVNS specialists have received exceptional training as defined by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. We are experts in all forms of neurologic disease and treatments for small animals, including:
Seizure Management and Treatment
Providing medical and pharmacologic intervention for non-surgical neurologic cases.
Vestibular Disease Treatment
Vestibular disease or poor balance is a sign of brain or nerve disease and can happen to any pet. The good news is that many of the causes of vestibular disease are very responsive to treatment; however, some causes are life-threatening. Therefore, if your pet has vestibular disease, achieving a rapid diagnosis can be very important. This information will help you understand what may be the cause of your pet’s balance problem.
Brain Tumors
Any breed of dog and cats can be affected with a brain tumor. Older dogs or cats and certain breeds like the Golden retriever, Boxer, and larger breed dogs in general are at higher risk for brain tumors.
The cause of brain tumor or cancer in general is not known. However, because certain breeds are at higher risk, there must be a genetic and environmental component.
Neuromuscular Disease Treatment
Information coming soon!
Encephalitis Treatment
The Pug, Maltese, Yorkie, Chihuhua and all small breed dogs 1-6 years of age are at higher risk.
The signs of disease depend on which part of the brain is affected but can include seizure, confusion, sedation, poor balance, weakness, and with progression: stupor, coma and death. Because the meninges are affected, pain is often also part of this condition.
Male dogs, larger dogs, older dogs and the Great Dane, Labrador and Boxer are at higher risk for developing diskospondylitis.
Diskospondylitis is caused by an infection of the intervertebral disc, adjacent vertebral endplates or surrounding soft tissue. Without treatment, the infection can progress causing meningitis and spinal canal disease.